गुरुवार, 21 मई 2020

The Earth in the Solar System { CBSE Class 6th Geography }

Today we will study about our Earth and Solar System. The sun shines during the day. In the night, the sky is dotted with numerous bodies that shine and twinkle. The moon also appears at night. All these bodies appear to us hanging up in space which the ancient people called ‘Heaven’. Our own earth is also a part of this system and thus it is also called a heavenly body or a celestial body. These heavenly bodies are grouped as stars, planets, satellites and asteroids. 


These are self-luminous bodies. It means they have their own heat and light. Stars are made of hot, burning gases. They are usually very big in size but as they are very far away from us, they look small and tiny like little dots in the sky. Our sun is also a star. It looks bigger and brighter because, compared to other stars, it is much nearer to our earth. Groups of stars, forming a particular pattern, are called constellations. One such constellation is a group of seven stars which is called the Saptarishi. 

The Saptarishi are regarded as very important because in ancient times they used to guide the sailors at night. Stars are very far off from our earth. The light from the stars passes through different layers of the atmosphere with varying densities. As a result, they seem to be twinkling. Stars are so far off from us that we cannot understand or express this distance in kilometres or miles. We express this great distance in terms of light years. Light travels at a tremendous speed of about 3,00,000 kilometres per second. The distance that light travels in a year is called a light year. 

                     The Solar System 

The solar system means the ‘Family of the Sun’. The sun and the eight planets that revolve round the sun are members of the solar system. The eight planets are —Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Besides the sun and the planets, there are some smaller celestial bodies as well in the solar system.  

                    The Sun 

The sun is the biggest member of the solar family. All the planets and satellites, etc. revolve round the sun. It is the center of the solar system. It is about 13,00,000 times bigger than our earth. The sun is made up of extremely hot gases and it gives out a lot of heat and light which is the source of all energy in the solar system. Our earth gets only a part of the energy. Without the sun’s energy, our earth would become cold and lifeless. It is the sun which sustains all life. 


There are eight planets in our solar system. They, according to their distance from the sun, are—Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Venus is the hottest. Planets can also be rated according to their size. In the ascending order, they are— Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. 

In this way, the largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter while the smallest planet is Mercury. The planets revolve round the sun in fixed paths which are called their orbits. They also rotate on their own axis. All the planets move round the sun in the same direction but they do not take the same time to complete a revolution. A planet which is nearer the sun takes less time than the one which is farther from the sun. 


Our earth is also a planet because it revolves round the sun. It completes one revolution round the sun in 365¼ days. In size, it ranks fifth after Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. If you see it from the outer space, it looks blue in color. It is because of the presence of water in its oceans and seas. It is, therefore, sometimes called the blue planet. 

In fact our earth is a unique planet in the whole solar system because climate which is best suited for the development of man and other forms of life on the earth. Its atmosphere is rich in oxygen that makes life possible on this planet. On this planet water occurs in vast quantities which makes life possible on the earth.

                   Shape of the Earth

Earlier it was believed that the earth was flat but later on scientists proved beyond doubt that it is not flat but spherical in shape.  The pictures of the earth, as taken by different astronauts who went into outer space, show that the earth is spherical in shape. It is argued that sailors like Magellan and Drake, who sailed round the world, started from one point and sailing in the same direction, at last reached the same spot. If the earth had been flat they would have reached some abrupt edge.


 A satellite moves round the planet in the same way as a planet moves round the sun. In other words, while revolving round the planet, the satellites also revolve round the sun. Our earth has one satellite which we call Moon while Uranus has 27 satellites and Neptune 14 satellites. Mercury and Venus have no Satellites. Satellites, like the planets, have no light or heat of their own. They reflect the light of the sun. There are some differences between them. While planets revolve round the sun, the satellites revolve round the planets. For example, the earth revolves round the sun, but the moon (a satellite) moves round the earth. 

                     The Moon 

Earth’s satellite is known as the moon. Its diameter is about one fourth of the earth’s diameter and it is about 3,84,000 km away from the earth. It has no light of its own. It reflects the sun’s light which reaches the earth in one and a quarter seconds. The moon does not look the same every night. It keeps on changing its face every night. As discussed above, it has no light of its own and it simply reflects the light of the sun. 

The moon completes its revolution around the earth in 29 days and 8 hours. It is called a lunar month. It also completes its rotation on its own axis in the same time. As a result, it shows only one side to us while the other side of the moon remains away from us.  An American astronaut, Neil Armstrong, was the first man to land on the moon. They all show that the moon’s surface is very rough and uneven. There is no air or water on the moon and it is very hot during the day while the nights are very cold. As a result, there is no life on the moon.

                Other Celestial Bodies

Besides the planets and satellites, there are numerous other small celestial bodies which move around the sun. They are known as asteroids, meteors and comets. Asteroids :--They are very small planet-like bodies which revolve around the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Meteors :-- Meteors are small pieces of solid mass which move about in the sky, revolving around the sun. Sometimes they enter the earth’s atmosphere with great speed. They become heated by friction and start burning. That is why sometimes meteors are also called Shooting Stars.  Comets :-- There is another category of heavenly bodies known as comets. They too move around the sun, but they follow long elongated orbits. They appear as beautiful shining bodies in the sky with long tails. 

               India’s Space Programme

India’s space programme began in 1975 with the launching of Aryabhatta, the first Indian satellite, into space with the help of Russia. Then two other satellites, namely, Bhaskara I and Bhaskara II, were sent into space in 1979 and 1981 respectively with Soviet help. After this, India with the help of U.S.A. launched INSAT-1A and INSAT-1B into space in 1983. The launching of INSAT-1B proved quite successful. Then in 1984 Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma was sent into space along with two other Russian cosmonauts. 

 The artificial satellites have proved very useful in telecommunication, meteorology, T.V. relay and broadcasting. In a single day in June, 2016 ISRO launched 20 satellites into space, most of them foreign. In 2014, Indian space vehicle Mangalyaan was launched into the orbit of Mars to carry out explorations and discoveries. INSAT- 3DR, the most advanced meteorological satellite of India was launched by GSLV-FO5.

Now you watch this video so that you can understand it more thoroughly :--

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